Run for a leadership position in a professional organization.
Run for a leadership position in a professional organization.
Review the structure of a professional or community organization in which you hold a leadership role. Seek to resolve ambiguities (e.g., learning expectations, goals) and make predictions for future needs.
Review the attendance list of the next event in which you will participate. Generate a list of the people or representatives from particular organizations you would like to meet.
Review and select a total of 3 tools or tips from Ten Tips for Inclusive Meetings, inclusive discussion guidelines, or the Inclusive Instruction Toolkit. Reflect on the effectiveness of the tools.
Review accountable behaviors and identify at least one new behavior to adopt in your daily practice.
Reuse an item in a different way than originally intended.
Respectfully acknowledge your differences of opinion the next time you are involved in a challenging discussion with someone.
Research where commonly used electronic resources are stored and how to make those resources more effectively accessible to others (e.g., MBox, Google Team Folder).
Research trends that will impact U-M and your unit.
Research the professional networking groups offered within U-M and join one.