Congratulations on completing Foundations of Leadership! Please see below our recommendations for your continued professional growth.
If you have any questions about these resources or the FOL program in general, contact [email protected].
Congratulations on completing Foundations of Leadership! Please see below our recommendations for your continued professional growth.
If you have any questions about these resources or the FOL program in general, contact [email protected].
You can engage in the Development Journey. The journey includes a self-assessment based on the behaviors found in the Michigan Expectations Model. You can identify specific development areas for professional growth and find related development resources, many of which are offered at no cost.
Available at no cost to all active faculty, staff (including temporary staff) and students, LinkedIn Learning is an on-demand learning solution designed to help you gain new skills and advance your career. Learn more about LinkedIn Learning and visit our LinkedIn Learning Collections.
The Culture Change curriculum offers a comprehensive understanding of organizational culture and climate. These courses can be taken to grow employee engagement and foster a harmonious work environment.
Whether you are a seasoned leader or leading for the first time, these three strategies, inform, engage and support, can help you to lead your team through whatever lies ahead. The Leading Change and Transition Toolkit can help.
Organizational Learning has compiled resources to help you hold more meaningful conversations with your direct reports throughout the performance development cycle: A Manager's Guide to Holding Meaningful Development Conversation.