This page provides factual information and answers to frequently asked questions about the status of negotiations between the University of Michigan and the Graduate Employees’ Organization for the May 2023 through May 2026 collective bargaining agreement. 

Key issues regarding the GEO strike.

University negotiators are guided by core principles and are committed to bargaining in good faith. Updates on the progression of the negotiations can be found on the GEO Updates From Current Bargaining Session web page.

Setting the record straight on GEO’s claims about contract bargaining 

Claim: The university is not bargaining on certain proposals submitted by GEO, and therefore, is not bargaining in good faith.
Fact: The union has submitted over 50 proposals, some of which are unrelated to GSIs’ and GSSAs’ wages, hours, and working conditions. Some of the issues GEO raises, though important, are not related to the employment of its members and, therefore, are not appropriate subjects for negotiation between GEO and the university. Moreover, U-M will not bargain with GEO on issues that would affect groups such as students or other employees that GEO does not represent.

Claim: The deadline to reach a new collective bargaining agreement was March 1, 2023.
Fact: GEO’s current contract is effective until May 3, 2023. U-M is committed to working with the union to reach an agreement as soon as possible. The university has proposed additional measures to ensure a contract can be reached, which include additional bargaining sessions and enlisting a neutral state-appointed mediator to assist both U-M and GEO.