Teach a class about something you know a lot about.
Teach a class about something you know a lot about.
Talk to the next person you are in conflict with. Address events or behaviors, not personality and identify areas of agreement and disagreement.
Take steps to check off an item on your personal bucket list.
Take on a task that you have never tried, dislike or hate to do, and is outside of your domain. Stick to it and focus on the learning you've derived from it.
Take on a leadership role within a organization outside of work.
Take on a leadership role within a nonprofit organization to practice goal setting, prioritization, procedures, and flexibility.
Take a recipe that you frequently use and either change an ingredient in it, or combine it with something you normally would not, to invent a new dish.
Take a mediator training course to earn your certification (e.g., Dispute Resolution Center, Wayne County Dispute Resolution Center).
Support your friend or family member to set a stretch goal. Work backwards to help them develop a plan with monetary goals, actions, and milestones. Check in to offer support or guidance.
Suggest a change to long standing practices in a group or organization that you are involved in. Share your reasoning for that change, using data when possible.