Update your resume and show to three trusted people for their perspectives and feedback.
Update your resume and show to three trusted people for their perspectives and feedback.
Undertake a home remodeling project.
Think of a leader you admire. Reflect upon how that leader demonstrates value for his or her diverse stakeholders and how you can adjust your behaviors or actions to better demonstrate your values.
The next time you attend an event or conference, either ask someone you know to introduce you to another participant or approach that person by yourself.
The next time you receive outstanding service, write down how that sounded and looked, and choose one or two of those practices to incorporate in your job. Inform a colleague who can hold you accountable.
The next time you need outdoor recreational equipment look into renting it from the Adventure Leadership Rental Center.
The next time you assist in a conflict resolution with family or friends, focus on actions and behaviors instead of personality flaws.
Teach someone how to create one to two goals and realistic action plans to reach them.
Teach a Rec & Ed course.
Teach a class or share a piece of knowledge to improve your communication and motivational skills.