Select two conflict resolution strategies from the U-M OSCR conflict resolution website. Practice them with family and friends and then use them in your job when you feel comfortable.
Select two conflict resolution strategies from the U-M OSCR conflict resolution website. Practice them with family and friends and then use them in your job when you feel comfortable.
Run for a political office or seat on a municipal committee or task force.
Run for a leadership position in a professional organization.
Review the structure of a professional or community organization in which you hold a leadership role. Seek to resolve ambiguities (e.g., learning expectations, goals) and make predictions for future needs.
Review the attendance list of the next event in which you will participate. Generate a list of the people or representatives from particular organizations you would like to meet.
Reuse an item in a different way than originally intended.
Respectfully acknowledge your differences of opinion the next time you are involved in a challenging discussion with someone.
Research and then identify the top two professional committees or work groups that you would like to join. Take the necessary steps to do so.
Repurpose an item at home to perform a different function.
Represent the university at a DEI-related local or regional event.