Coach a sports team or group.
Coach a sports team or group.
Coach a member of a professional organization that you are involved in. Use different modalities of communication if necessary (e.g.,video conferencing).
Check to ensure that recent conflicts you have been involved in have been settled from the other party's point of view.
Chair a group within your professional organization that focuses on developing and leveraging the strengths of its members.
Chair a brand new committee or task force that requires you to recruit members and resources.
Book a speaker for a conference who will present best hiring practices, including ways to mitigate bias.
Before posting on your social media account, consider the risks and rewards of doing so.
Before helping someone with a disability, first ask if they would like assistance.
Barter to support a friend or family member in reaching a goal, in return for learning a new skill or area of expertise that will support your aspirations.
Avoid character attacks when expressing your personal view point. Ask a friend or family member to hold you accountable.