Outside U-M


Create an action plan to learn one new skill well within six months (e.g., ballroom dancing, speaking a foreign language, story telling).


Create a survey for members of an organization you are involved in to identify needs and opportunities.


Create a subgroup for an organization that you volunteer with that identifies rising leaders and ways to leverage opportunities and responsibilities to promote their development.


Create a personal goal addressing a priority that you have set for yourself and create a plan to achieve that goal. Ask someone you trust to hold you accountable.


Create a list of talking points before holding a critical conversation with a family member or friend who has treated you poorly.


Create a goal for yourself to learn something or to train for a physical event. Write down a plan and a timeline to achieve this goal, including milestones. Invite someone to join you or to hold you accountable.


Create a checklist of items to go into your own sports or hobby bag and pin it on the bag or hang it by the door the night before you use it. Read down the list as you check your bag and grab missing items.


Create a checklist of items to go into your child's sports bag and pin it on the bag or hang it by the door the night before. Read down the list as they check their bag and grab missing items. Gradually empower them to take ownership of this process.


Consider a process that needs addressing (e.g., moving). Research options and ask people for insights into the way they prepare for moving from one residence to another.


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