Create a hiring guide for your group. Included DEI related questions during an interview (e.g., "What do you do to ensure that all members of your team feel included and feel their opinions are valued?").
Create a hiring guide for your group. Included DEI related questions during an interview (e.g., "What do you do to ensure that all members of your team feel included and feel their opinions are valued?").
Create a feedback system for internal and external stakeholders requesting suggestions for improvement.
Create a factual yet compassionate message pertaining to the need for an unpopular action. Take into consideration reactions that people have expressed and use empathy, recognizing the challenges of the situation.
Create a cross-level team to address a priority in your unit.
Create a cross functional, interdisciplinary, or multilevel employee involvement team to address problems from different perspectives and to discover new solutions.
Create a concise email to your reports explaining the reasoning behind certain goals. Invite feedback from a variety of stakeholders before sending.
Create a clear and comprehensive vision statement pertaining to a change effort in your unit. Analyze the methods used by a speaker you find inspirational and motivational and apply several of those methods to your message.
Craft concise messages pertaining to a change initiative in your unit.
Convey an innovative idea in a team meeting or to your supervisor.
Contact dissatisfied clients directly. Listen attentively and paraphrase the client's responses back to them for clarification. Offer solutions or areas that you will address with your team.