

Demonstrate your understanding of a change initiative underway in your group by explaining it to a new employee or intern. Offer background information to provide context.


Demonstrate understanding of the influences on your organization by sharing them with your staff (e.g., student enrollment fluctuations and staffing needs).


Demonstrate trustworthy behaviors so that direct reports will feel safe disclosing to you conflicts that they are witnessing or experiencing.


Demonstrate how you performed a function unique to your position to a developing leader without prior experience in this area. Delegate that responsibility, if possible.


Demonstrate continued accountability to those with whom you work: meet deadlines, follow through on commitments.


Delegate a project to a team: empower them to make decisions and oversee the workflow and leverage talents of their groups. Set clear and concise expectations, and a due date. Offer your support as a facilitator.


Delegate a decision to a direct report in which all of the facts or data are not present. Offer your support to facilitate their growth in this area if they seek it.


Define different topics within DEI that would be relevant to a student, faculty or staff group you will be talking to. Select the one that would most impact that audience.


Create a Google Drive folder for team members to streamline a project, share documents and collaborate.


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