

Create a walk and talk program whereby any employee can schedule time on a particular day of each month to meet with you and guide the conversation.


Create a unit-wide succession plan based on best practices utilized by leaders across the university.


Create a speakers group to promote and practice the creation of effective, impactful narratives pertaining to DEI, your unit, and the organization's mission or vision.


Create a short video for new hires to your team. Include information that you would have found helpful when you joined the group.


Create a reverse mentoring program that enables older, more experienced employees to interact and learn from younger colleagues (e.g., younger hires teach older hires new technologies and older employees impart institutional wisdom).


Create a project timeline that includes consideration of unexpected challenges and scheduled disruptions, such as holidays and illness.


Create a plan and an outline for the next message or announcement you need to make. Determine your audience, the main message, and your main objective as well as facts or a story that substantiate your topic and objective, and your closing.


Create a pilot project for a product or service that you are developing. Recruit a focus group of diverse constituents who fall within and outside of your target audience.


Create a network of stakeholders who can trust you with information pertaining to disruptive stakeholders. Honor their confidentiality.


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