Have a constructive conversation with an employee who appears to be acting in ways inconsistent with the values of your unit. Ask open-ended questions to better understand the root of the problem.
Have a constructive conversation with an employee who appears to be acting in ways inconsistent with the values of your unit. Ask open-ended questions to better understand the root of the problem.
Handle a tough negotiation with an internal or external client. Beforehand, learn as much as you can about them to better understand their viewpoint.
Give presentations to your team about the ways in which your unit will execute a university initiative. Adjust your presentation based on the audiences.
Give a presentation about your unit's product or service at a Rotary or other community organization meeting.
For your next important conversation, write bullet points beforehand highlighting the main points that you wish to convey. Practice expressing your points with a colleague and solicit feedback.
For two weeks, record your stress levels from 1-10 three times during the work day and notice any patterns. The second week, identify and use stress reduction techniques and reflect on positive changes to your stress levels.
Follow through on your commitments to yourself, your team, and other stakeholders who are impacted by your work.
Follow through on tasks assigned to you that are associated with a change.
Follow through on an act that you promised someone (e.g., giving a coworker a ride to pick up their vehicle at the mechanic).
Follow a process from start to finish and make recommendations on ways to improve it.