Include information about your unit's DEI initiative and activities in the early stages of your new employee's onboarding.
Include information about your unit's DEI initiative and activities in the early stages of your new employee's onboarding.
Include a meeting between your DEI lead and new hires during the onboarding process.
In your next meeting, paraphrase your understanding so that information can be clarified if necessary.
In your next decision making session with colleagues, contribute a viewpoint that is very different from those of others as a means to foster innovative thinking.
In unit-wide communications, encourage colleagues to attend upcoming DEI related events, especially those sponsored by your unit.
In collaboration with your supervisor, identify stretch goals to gain new proficiencies and develop in your career.
In a meeting, highlight a particular service provided by U-M, (e.g., U-M Faculty & Staff Counseling Office (FASCCO), or U-M Family Helpers).
If your organization is behind schedule or if a DEI initiative failed and needs to be reworked, take responsibility, make adjustments, and avoid blame.
If you notice a conflict pertaining to a workflow process, bring it up with your team and work together to try to resolve it.
If you disagree, avoid personality attacks. Instead try something like, "I see your point, however I disagree. This is why...".