

Utilize a process to track progress towards short and long term team goals and outcomes. Request regular updates from stakeholders on projects, either informally or formally.


Use a formal decision making tool such as pros and cons, a decision tree, or cost-benefit analysis, to identify and dissect a big decision that you need to make.


Use your creativity the next time you do not have all of the instructions or tools to complete a task.


Utilize a pilot test group for a process change that you are spearheading. Consider the feedback when making revisions.


Using your Individual Development Plan (IDP) and resources that explain your unit's priorities, collaborate with your supervisor, or a coach, to create individual goals that are in sync with the priorities of your unit.


Visit teams within your unit to communicate goals and the reasoning behind them. Invite questions, either at that time or via email, so that the goals are understood by all.


Visit different teams within your unit to learn about work flow and skills and experiences that are required.


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