

Take note of a colleague or senior leader who provides excellent feedback and note what is said and how it is presented. Try to emulate one or two of the behaviors or skills that you witnessed.


Take a good look at your workload and determine what tasks and responsibilities you can designate to others.


Support direct reports who need to make customer service improvements by offering guidance and resources. Provide constructive feedback.


Set the tone for inclusive and respectful communication within your unit by establishing clear expectations, stressing the importance of expressing and listening to diverse perspectives.


Set a personal stretch goal and talk with your supervisor or a mentor about appropriate stretch assignments and processes to reach that goal. Maintain a record of your progress.


Share stories with your team - experiences you have had pertaining to harmful behaviors and lessons learned.


Share with your team what you know about skills and jobs that will be valued in the future. Strategize with direct reports ways in which they can grow more adept at meeting future needs.


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