

Before submitting work, double check it and invite a colleague to proofread if you find that helpful.


At a meeting or retreat of an organization you are involved with, ask each participant about what skills, knowledge, experiences and worldviews they bring and what excites them about the organization.


Ask your supervisor to explain the line of sight between your group's tasks and the mission and vision of your unit. Refer to the line of sight when motivating others.


At the beginning of your work day, write down 1-2 daily goals and objectives and place where you can see it. At the middle and end of the day, compare your output with daily goals as well as any team or project deadlines.


Assemble a group of diverse people from within and outside of the university to explore opportunities to improve processes in your organization.


Ask your supervisor to help you select the best decision making tool for a specific situation your team is encountering.


Ask your supervisor if you can follow a new product or service through the entire idea, design, test market and launch cycle.


Ask two to three people, or your team, for their input on a decision you are making: request that they take different angles with their perspectives. Maintain confidences.


Address mistakes as learning opportunities. Share a mistake that you made and how you learned from it.


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