Highlight stories of interesting things that your team has accomplished to other colleagues in your field at U-M.
Highlight stories of interesting things that your team has accomplished to other colleagues in your field at U-M.
Highlight in a weekly email or other publication a team that demonstrates the mission and values of your unit. Invite groups throughout your unit to share similar stories for publication.
Help an organization enhance or update its digital proficiencies.
Have a constructive conversation with an employee who appears to be acting in ways inconsistent with the values of your unit. Ask open-ended questions to better understand the root of the problem.
Handle a crisis for an organization, requiring you to make a timely decision where all parties will not be satisfied.
Guide a group that you work with through the process of making a complex decision that it faces.
Go to a restaurant serving a type of food that you have never tried.
Give presentations to your team about the ways in which your unit will execute a university initiative. Adjust your presentation based on the audiences.
Follow through on a commitment to a team or person you are working with outside of your job that you have been procrastinating about.
Follow a process commonly found in your office from beginning to end and analyze it to identify areas for improvement. Present your findings to your supervisor or the person who oversees that process.