Follow through on a commitment to a team or person you are working with outside of your job that you have been procrastinating about.
Follow through on a commitment to a team or person you are working with outside of your job that you have been procrastinating about.
Follow a process commonly found in your office from beginning to end and analyze it to identify areas for improvement. Present your findings to your supervisor or the person who oversees that process.
Facilitate the creation of a cross functional staff development forum that seeks to break down barriers (silos), showcase best practices, and share talent.
Facilitate the creation of a short and long-term strategic plan for your unit.
Facilitate a mediation between family members in dispute and develop behavior and communication norms as part of the resolution.
Facilitate a group decision pertaining to an issue facing your group or team.
Faciliate a conversation with a work team that demonstrates lack of trust and fractured focus. For resources, explore the Mediation Education and Resources site.
Explore and select a process mapping tool from ITS to use on a project you are working on.
Explore a neighborhood without digital assistance.
Examine a process that you feel could be improved and invite a diverse group of people from outside of your team for advice (e.g., a networking group, a community of practice).