Create a shared vision

We build consensus around a shared vision.


Explain the mission and structure of your unit to a new hire, intern, or volunteer. Consider using an organizational chart of your unit when doing so.


Develop a personal list of goals and priorities, and articulate why you have selected them and how you plan to reach them.


Develop a personal health and well-being goal and create an action plan. Invite a friend or family member to hold you accountable..


Define different topics within DEI that would be relevant to a student, faculty or staff group you will be talking to. Select the one that would most impact that audience.


Create a personal goal addressing a priority that you have set for yourself and create a plan to achieve that goal. Ask someone you trust to hold you accountable.


Create a concise email to your reports explaining the reasoning behind certain goals. Invite feedback from a variety of stakeholders before sending.


Create a clear and comprehensive vision statement pertaining to a change effort in your unit. Analyze the methods used by a speaker you find inspirational and motivational and apply several of those methods to your message.


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