
We encourage the open expression of ideas and opinions, and serve as role models in actively listening.


For your next important conversation, write bullet points beforehand highlighting the main points that you wish to convey. Practice expressing your points with a colleague and solicit feedback.


For one day, notice when and how often you interrupt someone while they speak. Wait until they are finished before asking questions.


Engage in a conversation with someone who shares very different opinions than you about a particular subject. Monitor your reactions, including heart rate, breathing rate, ability to actively listen, irritation level, body language, and voice level.


Encourage others in a meeting or gathering to reserve judgment until everyone who wants to speak, does so.


During the question and answer portion of a panel you are involved in, listen to those with different opinions, and acknowledge their point of view. Ask clarifying questions if needed to respond.


Develop communications guidelines pertaining to team meetings and interactions (e.g., cell phones will be turned off during meetings, a participant will speak up if they feel offended).


Create a speakers group to promote and practice the creation of effective, impactful narratives pertaining to DEI, your unit, and the organization's mission or vision.


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