Coach and develop others

We are adept at cultivating people’s abilities and have a genuine interest in helping them develop professionally and personally.


Raise the profile of a high performing person you know by introducing them to people affiliated with organizations outside of the university.


Provide frequent regular feedback to direct reports. Start with positive comments pertaining to their performance or strengths before issuing constructive comments. Use specific examples.


Organize or participate in a brown bag lunch whereby participants take turns sharing an area of interest or expertise that they have.


Organize a surprise party for a friend and delegate particular decisions to other close friends helping you.


Organize a social event with another group or unit to share how your units' functions overlap and compliment each other.


Offer to work with a low-performing staff member or student intern through a task they struggle with on their own.


Model the behaviors that you want your direct reports to exhibit; discuss with faculty or staff the behavior expectations you expect of them.


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