Create a pilot project for a product or service that you are developing. Recruit a focus group of diverse constituents who fall within and outside of your target audience.
Create a pilot project for a product or service that you are developing. Recruit a focus group of diverse constituents who fall within and outside of your target audience.
Create a personal goal addressing a priority that you have set for yourself and create a plan to achieve that goal. Ask someone you trust to hold you accountable.
Create a network of stakeholders who can trust you with information pertaining to disruptive stakeholders. Honor their confidentiality.
Create a mentoring or coaching program that will support the needs of staff and faculty.
Create a list of talking points before holding a critical conversation with a family member or friend who has treated you poorly.
Create a hiring guide for your group. Included DEI related questions during an interview (e.g., "What do you do to ensure that all members of your team feel included and feel their opinions are valued?").
Create a goal for yourself to learn something or to train for a physical event. Write down a plan and a timeline to achieve this goal, including milestones. Invite someone to join you or to hold you accountable.
Create a feedback system for internal and external stakeholders requesting suggestions for improvement.
Create a factual yet compassionate message pertaining to the need for an unpopular action. Take into consideration reactions that people have expressed and use empathy, recognizing the challenges of the situation.
Create a document featuring potential project or program roadblocks and how you will navigate them.