

Meet with a mentor or coach to talk about and design a strategy to champion an unpopular action in your unit.


Meet with a financial advisor to develop or go over specific financial-related goals and implement a plan to attain them. Refer to the UHR website to learn about working with a financial advisor.


Meet with a direct report to go over their Development Journey self assessment and to coach them through the Individual Development Plan (IDP).


Meet with a colleague who is familiar with departmental priorities. Use that information as a line of sight when developing your individual goals and priorities.


Meet with a colleague who demonstrates an effective communication style and ask them for tips and strategies.


Meet with a colleague or leader who is a successful inspirational and focused communicator to learn tips and tricks. Ask them to read and comment upon a message that you are trying to convey to your team.


Meet individually with direct reports to confirm their commitment to the direction and prioritized goals of your unit.


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