Additional Child Care Options and Resources

These additional resources are available to families seeking child care. 

In-your-home child care resources for current U-M affiliates 

In-your-home child care resources available to the public

Summer camps and summer child care 

School-age child care

  • Some elementary schools offer on-site care for their students during the school year -- inquire with your child's school or district as soon as possible, as space is often limited. Learn about Ann Arbor Public Schools programs
  • State of Michigan Great Start database for licensed child care programs that may offer before/after and days-off child care 

Community early childhood education options 

Other resources


Child and Family Care (formerly Work-Life) does not endorse or represent any resources listed as recommended by the University of Michigan. It offers child care resource information only. Information is subject to change. All users are encouraged to review and comply with applicable State of Michigan Child Care Licensing Rules and any other applicable law and regulations. Neither the U-M nor its subcontractors warrant any information concerning any child care provider, nor do they inspect, investigate, endorse, recommend, or choose any particular provider. The inclusion of any care provider’s name does not constitute endorsement or certification by the U-M, CFC or its subcontractors as to their qualifications to provide child care, the rates charged for services or any other aspect of individual program’s quality of care. Any complaints and problems should be directed to the caregiver or, if applicable, the State of Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Child Care Licensing.