Cozy Up to Your Career Goals

Woman wearing glasses, working on a laptop computer

As a U-M faculty or staff member, you have access to thousands of hand-selected programs, courses and resources to support your growth and development. Organizational Learning, the university's central department for professional, career and leadership development, offers original training programs as well as carefully curated online programs from LinkedIn Learning and other leading experts in training and development. Programs and courses are available to all employees regardless of their level or field. LinkedIn Learning is available at no cost to active U-M faculty, staff (including temporary employees) and students. Learn more!


Professional Skills:



Not Sure Where to Start?

Check out the Development Journey!

Take a quick self-assessment and choose from a customized list of opportunities based on your personalized results. Once you have your results, you can check out the Learning Tracks that include self-paced content to help you meet your development goals. Leaders can help guide their team using the Learning Tracks Development Decision Matrix.

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The Culture Journey podcast captures the U-M core values in action.