Applies to: Regular Full Professors
Issued by (dept.): University Human Resources and the Office of the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
SPG number: 201.91
Rackham Graduate School Dean's Office:
Notify Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs as Distinguished University Professorship vacancies occur because of retirement, resignation, or death.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs:
Announce vacancy (or additional appointments) and solicit nominations from the deans of the schools and colleges.
Submit nominations including the following information: official letter of nomination, complete and current curriculum vita, letters of support from internal and external colleagues, and letters of support from past and present students.
Dean of the Rackham Graduate School:
Choose members for the Selection Advisory Committee on Distinguished University Professorships, which consists of senior faculty who represent a broad range of disciplines, including incumbent Distinguished University Professors.
Dean of the Rackham Graduate School:
Convene the Selection Advisory Committee, serving as Chair, to identify candidates for recommendation. Submit recommendations to the Provost.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs:
With the concurrence of the president, select recommended candidates.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs
Notify the candidate(s) in writing, with copies to the appropriate dean(s). Include a request to select a name for the Distinguished University Professorship.
Candidate and appropriate Dean:
Agree on a name for the Professorship and provide this information to the Provost.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs and Dean of the Rackham Graduate School:
Prepare and submit a Regents' communication for each candidate to request approval
See sample communication (PDF)
Board of Regents:
Consider/approve the appointment(s).
Office of the Vice President and Secretary of the University:
Notify the Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs of the Regents' decision.
Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs:
Notify the appointee(s), the appropriate dean(s), and the Dean of the Rackham Graduate School.
Rackham Graduate School Dean's Office:
Ensure that the appointment is finalized. This includes making sure the department in which the new Distinguished University Professor holds his or her primary appointment submits the necessary documentation to the Office of Human Resources Records and Information Services (HRRIS), indicating the new title and adding the stipend.
Human Resources Records and Information Services (HRRIS):
Processes documentation to modify the faculty member's appointment and to add the stipend to his or her payroll status.