Department Responsibilities
The department is responsible for the following actions related to complying with the FMLA:
- Consistent application of the FMLA
- Determining employee eligibility under the FMLA
- Providing notice of an employee’s use of FMLA eligibility
- Maintaining accurate records of FMLA usage. A typical employee record will contain a copy of the written notice provided to the employee, medical documentation supporting the absence and the return to work, and the amount of FMLA eligibility used during the employee’s FMLA benefit year.
- Note: FMLA documentation is maintained in a file separate from an employee’s personnel file. FMLA documentation will be retained for a minimum of three years.
- When applicable, processing an unpaid leave of absence and providing a copy of the written notice supporting an employee’s unpaid leave of absence to the appropriate UHR office.
Note: FMLA usage is captured in University databases when an unpaid leave of absence is processed for an employee covered by the FMLA. To promote accurate University records regarding FMLA usage during paid time, departments are strongly encouraged to use the FMLA time reporting code.
Supervisor Responsibilities
Supervisors are responsible for the following actions related to complying with the FMLA:
- Recognizing an FMLA qualifying event
- Notifying department administrator/human resources when an employee is/may be absent for an FMLA qualifying event
- Maintaining accurate records of FMLA usage
- Providing an appropriate placement upon the employee’s return to work