Reduction in Force (RIF) Resources for Administrators

The university endeavors to provide stable employment for its staff members. However, situations such as a lack of funds, lack of work, or reorganization may require a reduction in the workforce (RIF). Employees who are affected by a Reduction in Force are encouraged to read the Reduction-in-Force Employee Information Guide for more information about the process, policy and resources available for finding employment and should their unit Human Resources Office for assistance.

The Standard Practice Guide gives a written description of the Reduction-In-Force policy, SPG 201.72-0 (Regular Staff) and SPG 201.72-1 (Instructional Staff).

General RIF Guidelines

  • “Qualified” staff will receive preferential consideration for posted, regular positions.
  • The hiring department and the Human Resources Office will determine whether the staff member is qualified for the posted, regular position.
  • “Qualified” means the employee is believed to be competent to perform the full range of duties as described in the position posting.
  • If not qualified or not selected for the position, the department must document the reason(s) before submitting the hiring paperwork to the Human Resources Office for approval.
  • Failure of a RIF candidate to accept a suitable job offer that maintains 80% (or more) of his/her former salary will result in termination.

When considering placing a staff member on RIF status:

  • Remember that the staff member must be given the State of Michigan "Unemployment Compensation Notice to Employee" at the time they receive RIF notification. This notice contains information to assist the staff member in applying for unemployment benefits.
  • U-M email access will be maintained for up to 12 months for staff on RIF status.
  • The staff member's layoff period will be equal to his/her length of service up to a maximum of 12 months.

When considering hiring a staff member on RIF status:

  • It is not appropriate to eliminate a RIF candidate from consideration for a vacancy based on his/her current salary or the perception of being overqualified.
  • Staff members affected by layoff may be transferred to a position prior to posting the open position or after a position is posted but prior to considering non-RIF bidders. If a qualified RIF candidate is identified to fill a regular (non-temporary) vacancy in a unit/department, the posting requirement can be waived.

Reduction in Force Employee Information Guide

Employees who are affected by a Reduction in Force are encouraged to read the Reduction-in-Force Employee Information Guide for more information about the process, policy and resources available for finding employment.