Set a personal health goal and create a plan utilizing at least one MHealthy program. Ask a colleague to hold you accountable.
Set a personal health goal and create a plan utilizing at least one MHealthy program. Ask a colleague to hold you accountable.
Serve as an onboarding buddy for a new hire. Periodically ask if they have any questions.
Serve as a buddy for a new hire in your group. Schedule 30-60-90 day check-ins with the new hire to document progress and share feedback.
Seek opportunities to participate on a organizational-level committee.
Seek a mentor with a different background than you.
Seek a consultation with a subject expert you do not know to gain new insights on a process, strategy or practice in which you or your team is engaged.
Schedule regular 1-1 meetings with your direct reports to understand their needs and support their growth. Provide or recommend opportunities for growth.
Schedule career conversations with your manager: stretch assignments, events or meetings you could attend with them, suggestions about formal training.
Run for a leadership position in a professional organization.
Review the structure of a professional or community organization in which you hold a leadership role. Seek to resolve ambiguities (e.g., learning expectations, goals) and make predictions for future needs.