Research opportunities for positive change and present to stakeholders.
Research opportunities for positive change and present to stakeholders.
Research and present a trend that leadership is interested in learning about.
Request to write an article for your unit's magazine or newsletter.
Request to manage part of an unpopular endeavor.
Request feedback from people with different perspectives than you about a product that you are submitting or a service that you provide.
Repeat the directions that someone gives you, and ask if you heard correctly.
Remind yourself not to take your next setback or challenge personally.
Regularly request or propose hypothetical situations to encourage and foster diverse viewpoints and feedback.
Reflect on the last time you experienced unexpected change in your life. Identify the circumstance, your reaction, and actions to take to change the process in the future.
Reflect on something over the past six months that went wrong. Define the event and then reflect on how it could have served as an opportunity. What ultimately happened, and what did you learn?