Share stories with your team about times when you experienced unexpected change. Facilitate discussion about how the change could be conceived as an opportunity.
Share stories with your team about times when you experienced unexpected change. Facilitate discussion about how the change could be conceived as an opportunity.
Share stories about your experiences sharing stretch goals and the outcomes when you did and did not outline processes to achieve them.
Share responsibilities with a committee or board co-chair who will succeed you next year.
Share responsibilities on a committee or event with a developing leader.
Share information pertaining to the U-M Discrimination and Harassment Process with a colleague within U-M who feels they are experiencing discrimination or harassment.
Share a story about an occasion when you needed to display resilience with a friend or family member having a difficult experience.
Share a setback you are encountering with peers or your mentor and solicit ways to view it as an opportunity.
Set the tone for inclusive and respectful communication within your unit by establishing clear expectations, stressing the importance of expressing and listening to diverse perspectives.
Set a stretch goal for the number of public speaking engagements you will commit to and create an action plan to reach your goal.
Set a personal stretch goal and talk with your supervisor or a mentor about appropriate stretch assignments and processes to reach that goal. Maintain a record of your progress.