Hold crucial conversations with individuals whose self interest and behaviors are detrimental to your unit.
Hold crucial conversations with individuals whose self interest and behaviors are detrimental to your unit.
Hold brown bag events for direct reports and mentees pertaining to DEI. Familiarize them with culture change initiatives and available training and resources available from Organizational Learning.
Hold a brainstorming session to improve upon an existing product or service. To start, distribute index cards that participants use to write their ideas and submit anonymously.
Help someone with their homework.
Help someone new to your group by making introductions, locating resources, and networking.
Guide family or friends in making a decision pertaining to an important, complex matter.
Go over to a new neighbor's apartment or home and welcome them with something to eat or drink.
Give your child a clothing allowance and hold them accountable for their spending.
Give a talk to a civic organization about U-M's DEI initiatives and your role in it.
Give a presentation or demonstration about any area of expertise.