Invite new employees to accompany you to a DEI event and to discuss it afterward.
Invite new employees to accompany you to a DEI event and to discuss it afterward.
Invite friends to celebrate a holiday or cultural event with you that they do not practice.
Invite feedback from different people about a presentation you will be giving at a staff meeting. Adust your presentation accordingly.
Invite colleagues to a conversation pertaining to hiring practices that demonstrate and promote behaviors found in the Michigan Expectations Model.
Invite an HR representative to speak at a lunch for hiring managers to reivew the inclusing hiring practices. Assign the group to read Avoiding Discrimination in Job Postings beforehand.
Invite a speaker to come to U-M to share their unique experiences within the context of DEI.
Invite a member of the Office of Institutional Equity to talk to a group you are involved in to speak about Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resources.
Invite a group of students you volunteer with to create a community guidelines for their interactions during meeting times.
Invite a friend to see a foreign film or attend an international festival.
Invite a friend to join you in writing personal vision statements. Hold one another accountable.