

In unit-wide communications, encourage colleagues to attend upcoming DEI related events, especially those sponsored by your unit.


If you sit on a non-profit board or committee, take each request that your group receives under thoughtful consideration. Provide a prompt response after a decision is rendered.


If you notice a conflict pertaining to a workflow process, bring it up with your team and work together to try to resolve it.


If you disagree, avoid personality attacks. Instead try something like, "I see your point, however I disagree. This is why...".


If you are in charge of creating goals and action plans, stick to them or admit to others if you find yourself unable to follow through. Take actions to mitigate.


If someone vents to you, try to put yourself in their shoes to better understand their perspective. Agree that their situation sounds rough or frustrating.


If a group of people is interviewing a candidate, allow for 1-1 interviews instead of with the entire group.


Identify two people to shadow one another for half of a day and then trade tasks and assignments for a specific amount of time. Communicate openly with both participants about your intentions to use this opportunity to leverage their talents and foster their growth within the organization.


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