Mentor a new hire in your unit to become adept to the university's DEI goals, objectives and competencies.
Mentor a new hire in your unit to become adept to the university's DEI goals, objectives and competencies.
Meet with your supervisor to learn your role and their role in addressing DEI issues.
Meet with direct reports experiencing difficulties performing particular tasks to determine underlying issues and how best to support them (e.g., peer coach, classes, tips and suggestions).
Meet with a mentor to determine appropriate milestones to set in order to reach a career goal.
Meet directly with parties involved in intergroup conflicts to identify differences and to facilitate resolutions.
Meet one on one with individuals in your group involved in harmful behaviors. Create and implement a behavior plan if necessary.
Mediate a dispute between two parties.
Manage the budget for an organization, project, or event.
Make site visits and engage with teams. Write a thank you note or email afterward and include how their work connects to the overall mission or the organization as well as something new that you learned from them.
Maintain the confidence of your stakeholders and direct reports.