Sit on a university task force related to bias and discrimination.
Sit on a university task force related to bias and discrimination.
Sit on a university committee that pertains to a service, process or system that interests you.
Share your unit's successful customer service practices with another unit.
Share your organization's DEI strategy progress and initiatives with others across campus.
Share your experiences using the Michigan Expectations Model for your last hiring process.
Share your DEI expertise with colleagues at another U-M campus.
Share the vision and ethics of your unit with a peer in another unit. Explain how you demonstrate them on a daily basis.
Share success stories with your mentee of hiring people from outside of the organization as a means to promote diversity and innovation.
Share responsibilities on a committee or event with a developing leader.
Share information pertaining to the U-M Discrimination and Harassment Process with a colleague within U-M who feels they are experiencing discrimination or harassment.