Take and encourage others to complete the Haven for Faculty and Staff program.
Take and encourage others to complete the Haven for Faculty and Staff program.
Take a professional or career development course. Select between in-person and LinkedIn Learning courses.
Take a leadership role in a U-M working group that is underperforming due to interpersonal conflicts.
Tailor presentations to your specific audience.
Subscribe to Michelle Quaid's Power of Positive Psychology Podcast and listen to an episode pertaining to this topic. Share your findings with a peer.
Study the techniques of a leader within the university who is known as a very effective communicator. Watch videos and read articles or newsletters in which they are featured.
Start a "lunch and learn" group to teach/share skills or areas of expertise with colleagues.
Spearhead an event which requires you to initiate simultaneous actions under a tight time frame (e.g., a conference, workshop, meeting).
Spearhead a group of employees to participate in an event sponsored by a professional organization.
Solicit advice from peers outside of your team about ways that they create an inclusive work environment.