Ask your supervisor if you can coach/mentor a new employee or intern in your area of expertise. Start by assessing their strengths and gaps in performance.
Ask your supervisor if you can coach/mentor a new employee or intern in your area of expertise. Start by assessing their strengths and gaps in performance.
Ask your supervisor for a checklist of the policies, systems and processes that you are required to know for your job.
Ask your supervisor and other colleagues in your field for recommendations for regional or national organizations to get involved with.
Ask your mentors for direction on your vision statement and IDP. What has been helpful for them?
Ask your mentor or coach for advice about resolving a cultural conflict arising within your team.
Ask your mentor about their successful strategies to facilitate conflict resolution and strengthen relationships.
Ask you supervisor about the reasoning behind a decision to assign you a particular assignment.
Ask two to three people, or your team, for their input on a decision you are making: request that they take different angles with their perspectives. Maintain confidences.
Ask to review the strategic plan of an organization with which you volunteer.
Ask to represent your unit in a university initiative.