The Kids Kare at Home service provider has specific requirements before they will consider care requests for mildly-ill children.
Depending on your annual household income, U-M may partially subsidize the cost of Kids Kare at Home for your family. Currently, rates range from $10/hour (partially subsidized) to $28.50/hour (full rate, no subsidy). Your rate is based on your reported total household adjusted gross income, which is indicated on your federal tax return.
- There is a 4-hour minimum charge per caregiver visit
- Families may use a maximum of 48 hours of partially subsidized service during the twelve-month period beginning January 1 (limited to 48 hours per year, per U-M household -- and, a household with two U-M affiliated parents does not receive a double subsidy; 48 hours is the household maximum).
- If a family exceeds 48 hours of subsidized care for their household, the family will be billed for all additional hours used at the full rate of $28.50/hour.
- If you have 3 or more children who need care, you will be billed at 1½ times your hourly rate.
It is the responsibility of families receiving a partial subsidy to keep track of the number of hours they have used. Subsidized hours exceeding the allotted 48 hours will be automatically billed at $28.50/hour.
- Families will receive a bill from Kennedy Care/Safe at Home after service
- Review the cancellation policy in the event you need to cancel your service
Do not pay the caregiver directly; caregivers are not authorized to accept payment. You will be billed directly from the supplier, Kennedy Care/Safe at Home. Payment for service is due upon receipt of the bill.
If you are not currently registered, or if you have not provided us with your total household income amount, you will be billed at the unsubsidized rate ($28.50/hour).
Billing Procedures
Enrolled and registered Ann Arbor students may qualify for up to 48 hours of partially subsidized child care per household during the period from January 1 through December 31 of the same calendar year. Kennedy Care/Safe at Home is our contracted supplier of services for Kids Kare at Home.
Parents and guardians are responsible for keeping track of subsidized hours used. Any hours used over the allotted time will result in a charge of $28.50/hour for 1-2 children. If parents are unsure of how many hours of service remain, they should contact Kennedy Care/Safe at Home to determine this prior to scheduling a caregiver. There is a minimum service usage of 4 hours per day. If a client requests 4 hours of service and does not return home within those four hours, the client will be billed for the caregiver's time in 15-minute increments. Once a family exceeds 48 hours of partially subsidized care, additional hours used will be billed at the full rate of $28.50/hour.
Cancellation Policy
A service cancellation should be made at least 24 hours prior to the service. All cancellations must be emailed Kennedy Care/Safe at Home to insure a timely cancellation. A subsidized charge equivalent to four hours of care will be assessed and will reduce your authorized hours if:
- The service has been arranged more than 24 hours before care is needed, the agency does not receive notice of the cancellation 24 hours prior to service, and the agency has reserved and confirmed a caregiver with the family.
- The service has been arranged less than 24 hours before care is needed, the agency does not receive notice of the cancellation by 8:00 p.m. the night before the service, and the agency has reserved and confirmed a caregiver for the family.
- The service is canceled after 6:00 a.m. or when the caregiver arrives on the day the service was scheduled.
Other information
Program clients who leave U-M and wish to continue service may do so only after a private contract with Kennedy Care/Safe at Home has been signed. Subsidized rates will not apply to private contracts.
If a nurse (LPN/RN) is needed to provide care for a sick child, the bill will reflect the hourly nursing rate. Kennedy Care/Safe at Home reserves the right to determine the appropriate level of care required (home health aide/child care provider, LPN/RN) based on the nature of the child’s illness. Clients will be billed monthly for services. Payment is expected upon receipt of bill. Clients who fail to make required payment in a timely manner will not be eligible to request additional service until payment is received in full.
U-M families may not employ Kennedy Care/Safe at Home caregivers on an independent basis for a period of one hundred eighty (180) days or 6 months following the completion of services. In the event that the caregivers are employed by a U-M family during that time, the agency will require that the family pay a fee of four thousand dollars ($4,000).