Option to Convert

Conversion Privilege for You

If your university Group Policy life insurance ends or is reduced for any of the reasons stated below, you have the option to buy an individual policy from MetLife. This is referred to as the "option to convert."  The maximum amount of insurance that you may elect under the conversion policy is the amount which ends under the Group Policy.  Evidence of your insurability will not be required.

You have the option to convert when your life insurance ends because:

  • you cease to be in an eligible class;
  • your employment ends;
  • the Group Policy ends, provided you have been insured for at least 5 years; or
  • the Group Policy is amended to end life insurance for an eligible class of which you are a member, provided you have been insured for at least 5 years; or

You also have the option to convert when your life insurance is reduced:

  • on or after the date you attain age 60;
  • because you change from one eligible class to another; or
  • due to an amendment of the Group Policy.

If you opt to convert your life insurance for any of the reasons stated above, MetLife must receive a completed conversion application form from you within 31 days after the date your life insurance ends or is reduced.  Contact the U-M Shared Services Center contact center to request the conversion application.

If you die during the remainder of the period for which you have already paid the premium, the amount of life insurance you were entitled to convert will be paid to your beneficiary, whether or not you applied for conversion, when MetLife receives due written proof of death (a certified death certificate).

Conversion Privilege for Your Dependents

If your dependent's life insurance ends, you, or the dependent, will have the option to buy an individual policy on the life of the dependent. Evidence of the dependent's insurability will not be required.

You have the option to convert Dependent Life Insurance when your dependent's policy ends because:

  • you cease to be in an eligible class;
  • your employment ends;
  • the Group Policy ends, provided your dependent has been insured for at least 5 years; or
  • the Group Policy is amended to end life insurance for dependents for an eligible class of which you are a member, provided your dependent has been insured for at least 5 years; or
  • your dependent ceases to qualify as a dependent.

If you opt to convert your dependent's life insurance for any of the reasons stated above, MetLife must receive a completed conversion application form from you within 31 days after the date your dependent's life insurance ends. Contact the U-M Shared Services Center contact center to request the conversion application.

If your dependent dies during the remainder of the period for which you have already paid the premium, the amount of life insurance they were entitled to convert will be paid to you, whether or not they applied for conversion, when MetLife receives due written proof of death (a certified death certificate).