Lactation and Personal Care Rooms located on the U-M Ann Arbor campus and at Michigan Medicine facilities in Ann Arbor are listed below. Please review this list to get a sense of spaces that might be convenient for you to use. For room access information, or if you have questions or concerns, reach out to the listed contact, or a supervisor, building facility manager, or human resources representative for that area.
1009 Greene Street, corner of Hoover, room 2037. Two large chairs, privacy screens, microwave, and door lock. Nearby unisex and women's restrooms. Email Child and Family Care and we will forward your inquiry.
Room 5209. Private room with chair. Please email [email protected] for the code, or with any questions or concerns.
Earhart and Plymouth Roads, north campus area. Arbor Lakes Building 2, first floor, room 1490 (next to suite 2-1400), private room with chair, table, and sink, can be reserved on Google Calendar; Arbor Lakes Building 3, first floor, room 1245, private room with counter, chair, and private restroom across the hall, can be reserved on Google Calendar; Arbor Lakes Building 3, first floor, room 1244, private room with counter, chair, and private restroom across the hall, drop-in privacy room -- not reservable.
Contact Karen Lusty at [email protected] or (734) 647-5348 to receive access to the Google Calendar, to join the Arbor Lakes Moms mail group, or for more information.
Room 3615. Small, private, carpeted room with a comfortable chair, sink, and electrical plug. Open access at this time, door locks from the inside. Contact Kimberly Clark at [email protected].
Room 0510, Central Campus Classroom Building (CCCB). This private room features a locking door, comfortable chair with an ottoman, sink, sharps container, paper towel dispenser, and electrical outlets. A gender-neutral restroom is also located directly next door in room 0520T. Available on a first come-first served basis. Please contact the CCCB Facilities team at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Room with a lockable door, cleanable chair and table, and a mini-refrigerator, off a quiet hallway. A microwave and restroom are nearby.
Room 4317A on the 4th floor (off of the 500 hallway by the sliver elevator #4). Private room with sink. Contact Tracy Stevenson, Director of Laboratories and Facilities, with any questions at [email protected] or (734) 764-7316.
Private "Quiet/Reflection Room" in 2129 Climate and Space Research Building (CSRB) at 2455 Hayward has a chair, sink, counter, refrigerator, microwave, electrical outlets, charging station, and lockable door inside to indicate the room is occupied. This room is currently available on a first come, first served basis. Please contact [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Get directions to Climate and Space Research Building (CSRB)
Room 3527. Private room with a couch and table. Contact the facility administrator in Dean’s Suite for key/access, or contact Daniel Beard at (734) 764-9316.
1000 Baits Drive on North Campus: Room 1134. Lockable room with chair, footrest, and small table. Available on a first-come, first-served basis during open hours (7 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday through Friday). A sink can be accessed in the Faculty Kitchenette in room 1235. Contact SMTD Facilities at [email protected] with questions or concerns.
The following lactation spaces are available for nursing mothers in the Duderstadt Center, providing the rooms are not in use supporting their primary functions. Gallery Kitchenette, Room 1180 Kitchenette, Women’s Dressing Room (available only when productions are NOT scheduled) and conference room #4. Since each of the Duderstadt Center rooms is locked, a nursing mom may go to the first floor information desk and request use of a lactation room. The desk attendant can provide a key to one of these rooms, but a valid ID must be left at the desk. For further questions, contact Mark C. Scott, Facilities and Operations, U-M Library System at [email protected] or (734) 936-3156.
Room 2228W. Keypad on door; email [email protected] to request the combo. Refrigerator, microwave, 2 lounge chairs, table, and lamp.
Room 3121, Ford Motor Company Robotics Building, 2505 Hayward Street. Private room with a sink, chair, electrical outlet, and a lockable door. This room is available on a first come, first served basis. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
2350 Hayward, North Campus, second floor. Room 2340A, which is accessed inside the women's restroom 2340T. Sink, small refrigerator, rocking chair, side table, pump and storage lockers. The room is locked and a key must be signed out for the time the room is being used. Please email [email protected] for a key. For long term use, keys can be checked out and calendar access provided for scheduling. The room is available to faculty, staff, students and visitors on North Campus.
Room 202T in the Gorguze Family Laboratory at 2609 Draper Dr. Private room with a sink, chair, electrical outlet, and a lockable door. This room is available on a first come, first served basis. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Two lactation rooms: * Room 13W is an anteroom to the women's staff restroom in the basement of Hatcher North. To gain access, go to the circulation office (room 104 on the first floor of Hatcher North) to get a key. Comfortable chair, ottoman, side table, reading material; around the corner in alcove with privacy curtain. * Room 108B is a publicly accessible lactation room, located off of the anteroom of the first floor women's restroom (room 108W). Follow signs in the North Lobby for the women's restroom. Private room, and furnished with a sofa, lounge chair, and side table. Electrical outlet is available. Contact Phillip Han if you have questions, at [email protected] or (734) 615-9421.
Room 1428 located on the 1st floor of wing 4. There are 3 private rooms within the suite, all with lockable doors, counter, chair, and electrical outlets. There is a keypad lock for the main door. Email [email protected] for access.
The personal room at the IMSB is in room B210. Private room with a large chair, stool, table, door lock, electrical plugs, and sink. Contact David Siegle or the building supervisor on duty at [email protected] or 734-763-3562.
Private room B228 in the basement of wing 2, carpeted room with a comfortable chair, table, sink, counter top and electrical plug. There is a keypad lock. Email [email protected] for access.
Room 3102, personal care/lactation room, unlocked. Lockers are available. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Lurie Biomedical Engineering Building (LBME), on north campus, room 2105T. Separate, private room with chair, sink, and counter located just inside the women's restroom. For LBME, please contact [email protected] for scheduling dates and/or stop by LBME room 2110 to sign out a key to the room.
Get directions to Lurie Biomedical Engineering Building (LBME)
Room 3266A. Small carpeted room with a comfortable chair, and electrical plug. Open access at this time. Room has two points of entry. Lockable doors from the inside that indicate the room is occupied. Nearby women's restroom. If you have questions or concerns, please contact [email protected].
Room 4248. The room includes a couch, chair, tables, a refrigerator, electrical outlets, and has soft lighting. The sign outside the room reads “Lactation Room.” Time must be scheduled in advance by contacting [email protected] or (734) 647-6876. Formerly the Life Sciences Institute.
The Reflection Room, 3rd floor, room 347, is also used as a personal room for breastfeeding parents. Members of the university community can gain access with their MCard. Contact the Building Manager at the Information Desk for information on securing the space for lactation purposes. A privacy setting allows the space to be secured from the inside. The room at the League includes a table, two chairs, and an outlet. Call the Manager on Duty with any room issues at 734-260-4117. If you have questions, email [email protected].
Room 2042 (Personal Care Room) on the 2nd floor, behind the Pendleton Room. First come first served. Single-user room, locks from the inside. Chair, sink, electrical outlets and diaper changing table. Call the Manager on Duty with any room issues at 734-660-5492. If you have questions, email [email protected].
Moore Building, Green Room 1337 (primarily used for evening performances) has a couch, chairs, separate bathroom, and sink. Contact SMTD Facilities at [email protected] with questions or concerns.
Lower level, room B260. Lockable room with sink, chair, and small table. Available on a first-come, first-served basis for museum visitors during open hours (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, including weekends, and until 8 p.m. on Thursdays). Contact Nathan Carillo, Office Manager, at [email protected] or (734) 764-0480.
400 North Ingalls Building, room 3337. Private room with a sink, chair, table, and lockable door. This room is available on a first come, first served basis. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
426 North Ingalls Building, room 4014. Sign outside room reads "Wellness" and sign inside reads "Room is intended for lactation, meditations, etc. No studying." Private room with a chair, table, lamp, sink and lockable door. This room is kept locked during normal business hours (M-F 8 a.m.-5 p.m.). See the front desk staff to check out a key. Reservations are permitted up to one week in advance and can be made with the front desk staff. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
6th floor, Academic Tower (6432) in the North Quad. Electrical outlet, small table, chair, privacy lock and sink. Please email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
3rd floor of Palmer Commons, room 3034T (personal room). Contact the Welcome Desk on the 3rd floor for access and if you have any questions at 734-615-4444. Private lockable room with a chair, sink, hand soap, paper towel dispenser, art work, magazines and electrical outlets.
B430B (Personal Room) is located on the lower level of Pierpont Commons. B430B is a private room with a chair, table, electrical outlets, paper towel dispenser, sanitizer, white noise machine, and is locked from the inside. Call the Manager on Duty for access or any issues at 734-478-9210, or go to the campus information desk in the main lobby to inquire about access.
Room 2521, West Wing/west end of building, 2nd floor. Privacy Room with sink. Contact the Rackham Business Office at 647-5927.
Room 2469, private room with sink, refrigerator, large chairs, privacy screen, and door lock. Contact Paul Thurmond with any questions at [email protected] or (734) 763-4473.
In Blau Hall at 700 East University, on the lower level in Room B0552, across from the elevators. Due to COVID-19 related capacity requirements, the room can accommodate one (1) individual at a time. It has a refrigerator and sink, with one table and one chair. Access to the room requires registration by sending an email to [email protected]. Once given access, you can use your M-Card to unlock the room.
Room 1117, Ruthven Building personal room. This private room features a locking door, comfortable chair with an ottoman, sink, sharps container, paper towel dispenser, and electrical outlets. A gender-neutral restroom is also located directly next door in room 1109T. Available on a first come-first served basis. The building is open 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. Please contact the Ruthven Facilities team at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Personal rooms 1381 and 1383, newly constructed in 2021. Dedicated to dental faculty, staff, and patients only at this time. To receive the entry code, please email Karyn Procter-Wicks at [email protected], call 734-764-9415 or visit SoD room 1440i.
School of Education, 3rd floor, room 3102. Sink, mini-refrigerator, interior lock, and signage. Available on a first come/first served basis. Contact building facilities manager Mike Napolitan at [email protected] with any questions.
Room 3620, School of Kinesiology Building (SKB). A private room that locks from the inside. The room includes a comfortable chair and footstool which can be wiped down, a sink with paper towels, and electrical outlets. The space is cleaned on a regular basis. Please contact [email protected] with any questions.
Get directions to School of Kinesiology (formerly the Kraus Natural Science Building)
Rooms 2759 SPH 1 and 6023 SPH 2. Contact SPH Facilities at [email protected] to request lactation room access. If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact Debbie Struhar at 734-763-5411.
Personal Care Room, located in room 1632 on the east end of the first floor of the School of Social Work Building. The room features a locking door, comfortable chair with ottoman, reading lamp, sink, and electrical outlets. A gender neutral restroom is also located directly across the hall in room 1631T. Please contact the Facilities team at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
Room 116, private, not a restroom. Chair, table, sink and privacy lock. The building is locked 24/7, but is accessible by U-M SSC employees. Others at U-M can access the building through a buzzer/entry system at the main entrance.
Room 1235 in the Visitors Center Area. Chair, small table and electrical outlets.
Room 137, the Library Quiet Room. Private, interior room with chairs, tables and soft lighting. Refrigerator, microwave and sink are nearby. Available on a first come-first served basis. If you have any questions, contact David Kelley, Facilities Manager, at [email protected] or (734) 764-6506.
Second floor, room 2048T. Lockable room with sink, comfortable chair, outlet, microwave, and changing table. Contact [email protected] with any questions.
Room 2112 is by reservation only, and provides comfortable seating and a sink. Check with reception in room 2245, or contact the facilities manager, Bill Kelly, at (734) 936-2395 or [email protected].
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Room 655, Weiser Hall (LSA). Private room with a large chair, stool, table, door lock, electrical plugs, and a small, locked refrigerator for storing supplies. This room can be reserved via Google Calendar and is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. For more information, and to gain access to the locked refrigerator, please email [email protected].
Basement level of Wolverine Tower, B-016. Chair, table, sink, small refrigerator, WIFI and privacy lock. Please reserve the room on Google calendar. Email [email protected] with any questions or concerns.
BSRB has three rooms available: 2034, 4034, and 5034. All of the rooms have table, chair and sink. Open to all nursing moms, including visitors. No scheduling needed. Contact Medical School Facilities with any questions at 734-647-2788.
Get directions to Biomedical Science Research Building (BSRB)
Room 2107, reflection and lactation room with comfortable chair. Contact Brenda Darwin at [email protected] or (734) 647-1077, or Renee Roberson at [email protected] or (734) 936-7192 with any questions.
Rooms 7-353, 8-703, 9-745, 10-351, 11-237, 12-355. Private stations (about 12 total) with microwave and sinks. Breast pumps provided; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing. Open to all nursing moms, including visitors.
4th floor OR, room CW 4-420B. Private room with a sink and a pump. Badge access is required.
Get directions to C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital
CVC Room 2503 is available for staff use for lactation support. Email Patrick Martin at [email protected] or Amy Hyde at [email protected] for access. Breast pump provided; to use, nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing.
Private, personal health care room located in the center: Lobby J, suite J1300. Open 6:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Room key can be checked-out with fitness center staff. No breast pump provided.
Two lactation rooms. Room 1127C in Brehm Tower has a reclining chair, table, refrigerator, laptop, and commercial breast pump. Room 712 has a similar setup, but without a laptop and pump. For room access information, contact Rob Loof at [email protected] or (734) 232-8040, or Alexis Baldrica at [email protected] or (734) 232-8100. Outlook calendar used for room scheduling. Breast pump provided in room 1127C; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing.
Go to the front desk receptionist upon arrival for directions -- a small room for nursing moms, room 1662 (also known as “the quiet room”). Couch, chair, table, and electrical outlet. Near a water source. For more information, contact Meg Spence at [email protected] or (734) 647-5167, or Nick Anderson at [email protected] or (734) 615-6003. No breast pump provided.
Med Sci ll has one room available: 2810, which has two lactation spaces. Open to all nursing moms, including visitors. No scheduling needed. Contact Medical School Facilities with any questions at 734-647-2788.
2nd floor, room 2743, private room with sink and pump. Contact Darci Hoag in Michigan Medicine Shared Human Resources at [email protected] or 647-5798, Email the Work-Life Resource Center if you need other assistance, and we will forward your inquiry to Michigan Medicine staff.
Get directions to North Campus Administration Complex (NCAC)
The NCRC has eight lactation rooms, and all of the rooms are private with door locks: Building 10, ground floor, room G071 (has sink); Building 10, first floor, room 10-A137 (has sink); Building 16, ground floor, room G006E (no sink); Building 20, second floor, room 2896 (has sink); Building 25, third floor, room 3657 (has sink); Building 300, first floor, room 367 (has sink); Building 400, first floor, room 428 (no sink); Building 520, first floor, room 1331 (has sink). Open to all nursing moms, including visitors. No scheduling needed. Contact Medical School Facilities with any questions at 734-647-2788.
NHC has one room available: 2505. Take elevators or stairs up to the 2nd floor. Turn right and walk all the way down the hallway. The room is located before the restrooms, on the left-hand side of the hallway – it is marked “Lactation Room.” It is a private room with two lactation bays, with curtains. Each bay has a comfortable chair and table that is supplied with facial tissue, hand sanitizer, and a mirror. This room also includes a refrigerator for pumped milk. No breast pump provided. Open to all nursing moms, including visitors. No scheduling needed. Contact NHC Administration with any questions at [email protected].
East Medical Center, 4250 Plymouth Road, Room 2502, private room with a sink. Two lactation stations separated by a screen. No breast pump provided. No reservation required.
2nd floor, room 2125, in the connector hallway between the Rogel Cancer Center and Med Sci I. Two individually-enclosed stations. Michigan Medicine employees can login (Level 2) to the Rogel intranet for access to scheduling (see the Shortcut list). Others can email Erin Christensen at [email protected] for assistance. Breast pumps provided; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing.
Room THC-B1-393A. Take elevator 4 to the B-1 level. Turn right off elevator. Walk approximately two minutes until you reach the women's staff locker room at the end of the hallway. Once inside room, enter second door to your right, where you will find two lactation bays with curtains and commercial-grade breast pumps; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing. Open 24 hours/7 days per week.
5th floor, room 5314. No scheduling needed. Contact Medical School Facilities with any questions at 734-647-2788.
2nd floor – located down the hallway from the UM Credit Union, in rooms UH-2C216 and UH-2C218, four lactation bays. Each room has a sink, lockable privacy doors, and two bays with breast pumps; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing. To obtain the passcode, each person who will be using the room must register for access. As of the last update from Michigan Medicine, there is not a scheduling system for the four lactation spaces in UH-2C216 and UH-2C218 -- they are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If availability turns out to be an issue in the future, a sign up system may be re-instituted. Please note: for security reasons, visitors should not be given access to these lactation rooms -- instead, please direct them to C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital, where there are about 12 private bays available (also available on a first-come, first-served basis).
4th floor – west elevator to floor 4. Exit to your left to 4D Courtside (overhead Neuro ICU sign). Left at first hallway. Right at 4D Courtside hallway. Third door on right: room UH-4608 Nursing Staff. You will need to ask at nursing station for entrance into this staff room: pager #1706. Breast pump provided; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing.
6th floor – room UH-6003. To obtain the passcode, each staff person who will be using the room must register for access. Please indicate the room is in use by sliding the door sign to “in-use," and pulling the interior curtain over the doorway. This room is frequently occupied -- please also consider using the new 2nd floor rooms, UH-2C216 and UH-2C218. Please note: for security reasons, visitors should not be given access to this lactation room -- instead, please direct them to C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital, where there are about 12 private bays available.
Contact 936-7890 (Security) with any security concerns related to these rooms, or 232-5326 (Environmental Services) for cleaning issues. Email Child and Family Care if you need other assistance, and we will forward your inquiry to Michigan Medicine human resources staff.
Room 1C-321B includes a sink and three bays with pumps and privacy curtains. Badge access is required.
The 4th floor of UH South (Old Mott) has seven lockable lactation bays in three rooms: F4214, F4216, and F4218 (take elevator 8 to the 4th floor, then continue to the right and through the double doors). Breast pumps provided; nursing moms must bring Ameda-compatible tubing. To obtain the passcode, each person who will be using the room must register for access. For immediate assistance, staff members may stop by the Medical Short Stay Unit Blue, located down the hallway in room F4522 (then, be sure to register as soon as possible afterward). Please note: for security reasons, visitors should not be given access to these lactation rooms -- instead, please direct visitors to C.S. Mott Children's Hospital and Von Voigtlander Women's Hospital, where there are about 12 private bays available.
Contact 936-7890 (Security) with any security concerns related to these rooms, or 232-5326 (Environmental Services) for cleaning issues. Email Child and Family Care if you need other assistance, and we will forward your inquiry to Michigan Medicine human resources staff.
380 Parkland Plaza, Ann Arbor, MI 48103. Room 1106. Go to the check-in desk on the first floor and ask staff to show you the lactation room. Private room with chair, table, and sink. Call 734-998-7380 with any questions.
Get directions to West Ann Arbor Health Center – Parkland Plaza