Make Sure Your Benefits Fit Your Life

Person in a wheelchair, at a table typing on a laptop with a cup of coffee.

As your life changes, so may your benefits needs. Don't miss this opportunity to make different choices for your coverage in the U-M health, dental, vision and legal services plans for 2023. You may also enroll in a flexible spending account (FSA).

Mark Your Calendar 

Open Enrollment for 2023 benefits is October 17-28, 2022.

Adjustments are available only through 5 p.m. EST on October 28 through Wolverine Access. Changes and new rates take effect January 1, 2023.

Consider Costs, Access and Future Needs

Before choosing a health plan, consider the following:

  • All the costs involved, including monthly premiums and out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles, coinsurance, and copays.
  • Service areas and access to your preferred doctors and hospitals. 
  • Anticipated health needs for you and your covered dependents.
  • Your financial needs over the next year.

Visit the Health Plans page to review plan options. 

View Health Plan Resources

Use the following tools and resources to review your choices: 

  • Benefits Mentor
  • Health Plan Coverage Comparison Tool
  • Health Plan Coverage Comparison Chart 

Visit the Health Plan Resources page to access these resources.

Learn more about Open Enrollment

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