Strategies to Prevent Workplace Issues and Retaliation

A group of colorful figures.

Part of the Culture Journey effort is to reinforce the university’s commitment to preventing retaliation and protecting those who report improper behavior. Join our Leadership and Culture: Strategies to Prevent Workplace Issues and Retaliation course and learn different strategies for building psychological safety and respect in the workplace, to encourage help-seeking and issue-raising in others and more.

Leaders will benefit by:

  • Gaining tools to help you create an environment that prevents wrongdoing and retaliation
  • Practicing methods to give and receive feedback constructively
  • Executing methods to manage requests for confidentiality
  • Becoming more effective with employee complaint handling
  • Developing a plan to implement strategies in the workplace

Upcoming Sessions:

This course is open to U-M leaders with administrative/formal supervision of at least one direct report who would like to create an environment where employees feel safe to express concerns, provide feedback and report complaints without fear of retaliation. 

Additional Culture Change Opportunities

Leadership and Culture: Creating a Positive Work Environment

This foundational course provides managers with the tools and knowledge to lead a successful culture change journey within their team. You'll walk away with the tools to improve productivity and efficiency while fostering a healthy work-life balance and more.

This course is open to any U-M managers or supervisors who would like to learn how to make positive changes to their workplace climate and culture.

Culture Change Foundations: Improving Workplace Climate

In this foundational course, you will learn how to define culture and climate and how they are related. You'll gain the knowledge on how to apply principles and steps to create culture change that sticks.

This course is open to any U-M faculty or staff member who would like to learn more about how culture change can improve relationships in the workplace.

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