Mail-order Pharmacy Service Name to Change July 1

close up of multiple white prescription bottles with open boxes in the background

As of July 1, 2021, NoviXus Pharmacy Services, U-M’s mail-order pharmacy, will be known as Birdi. Although the name will change, services will continue without interruption. 

New Name, Same Service

No action on your part is needed during this transition. As of July 1, you’ll notice the following:

  • Your account login and password will remain the same.

  • Prescription histories, medical histories, refills and payment information in members’ NoviXus accounts will securely remain with the name change to Birdi accounts on July 1.

  • Any interactions on the NoviXus website,, will forward to the new Birdi website through Aug. 31, 2021.

The customer service phone number, (877) 269-1160, also will remain the same, as will staff you’ve already connected with in the Novi, Mich. facility. And in the future, Birdi plans to incorporate new tools to improve the way you receive your mail-order prescriptions.

Look for Your Letter

Look for the new Birdi/University of Michigan website address in a letter coming from NoviXus to your home within the next few weeks.

If you have questions, call the Shared Services Center toll-free at (866) 647-7657 from
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday.

Delivery to Your Door

If you aren’t already using U-M's mail-order pharmacy service, now’s a good time to explore it. Eligible employees and retirees pay up to 30 percent less for 90-day prescriptions delivered right to your door. Most transactions also can be managed online. View the details about mail-order pharmacy services.

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