Inside U-M


Attend an event with a speaker. Notice the degree to which the message is inspirational. If so, create a list of the inspirational attributes for the next message that you compose.


Attend a U-M event about a topic that you are curious about. Participate in a question and answer session if there is one.


Attend a performing arts event or a talk in a subject area that is new to you. Invite others to join you so that you can engage in conversation and reflection about it afterward.


Attend a function pertaining to a controversy. Try to listen to understand the different perspectives. Listen to the words, use your eyes to read body language, and your heart to gauge the emotion conveyed.


At a U-M class or event with people from across campus, ask someone about their unit or department. Share information about your department, including your unit's mission.


Assess growth opportunities and then look into a LinkedIn Learning or U-M professional development class that you could take.


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