Children's Centers Application Frequently Asked Questions

   Do U-M faculty, staff and students have priority for enrollment?
Yes, waitlist applications are prioritized in the following order:
1. Siblings of currently enrolled children*
2. Children of current U-M faculty, staff and students**
3. Children of non-affiliated families from the community
*This means that many infant spaces are filled with new babies of families who already have a child enrolled with us.
**Michigan Medicine, Medical School and School of Nursing affiliates have higher priority at the Health System Children’s Center.
How do you determine my child’s place on the waitlist?
When a space becomes available a child’s place on the waitlist is determined by:
1. age-eligibility for the class
2. current U-M affiliation 
3. date of waitlist application
How will I know when a space is available for my child?
When a space is available and we are at your child’s name on the waitlist, we will email you to determine your interest in the particular opening. You will be given an opportunity to visit the center to speak with the director and visit the classroom to see if the available space and center fulfills your family’s needs.
When are openings generally available?
Many children are enrolled at the beginning of the academic year. However, openings can occur throughout the school year.
What happens if I’m not ready to accept a space when it is offered to me?
If you decline an enrollment offer, you may choose to remain on the waitlist and your application date will not change.
Why are there fewer infant and toddler spaces than preschool spaces?
State of Michigan licensing rules limit class size of each age group. Infant and toddler classes are limited to 12 or fewer children while preschool classrooms range between 16 and 24, depending on the age range of the children and the size of the classroom. We have 13 infant-toddler classrooms and 16 preschool classrooms, and space for just 44 infants and 85 toddlers, versus 277 preschoolers.
Where can I find care while I wait for an enrollment opportunity at one of the U-M Children’s Centers?
U-M Child and Family Care provides child care resources to help you in your search for child care.
Who should I contact if I have questions about the U-M Children's Centers?
 You are welcome to contact the U-M Children's Centers Enrollment Team at [email protected]. .

The Children's Centers are participating in a pilot program with the Colleges of LSA and Engineering to expand infant care capacity to faculty and staff affiliated with those two schools. Read more about the agreement.