Honor the Triumphs and Struggles of Black Americans

People walking through a hallway with flags from different countries

Black History Month is a great time to turn our attention to the achievements of black Americans and go beyond the people commonly found in high school history books.

Learn more about numerous black Americans you may not have heard of. People such as Lisette Titre, an advocate for gender diversity in the gaming industry, Marc Hannah, a pioneer in computer generated three dimensional effects, and Stephanie Johnson, the first black female to pilot commercial flights and the first black woman made captain. 

It’s exciting to celebrate the accomplishments of fellow Americans and it’s a good time to discuss unfamiliar parts of our history. As we learn, we honor the triumphs and struggles of black Americans. 

Watch the Black History Month Heritage Month videos from Organizational Learning and help make visible the often invisible contributions of people who have helped shape the timeline of U.S. history. Be more curious. 

About the Heritage Month Video Series 

A set of videos created by diversity trainer Dr. Steve Robbins are available for viewing. They can be watched alone or with groups to promote discussion and understanding. View all of the heritage month videos and sign up to receive future videos. Help create a climate that welcomes differences among people.

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