NOTE: These programs are no longer available to staff (updated 10/27/20)
U-M is offering two voluntary programs for staff: a temporary furlough program for staff in non-critical operations and a temporary reduction in hours.
Requests must be made by May 8, 2020.
Employees are able to return to their regular positions and hours at the end of the approved period. Staff with regular, non-temporary appointments in Ann Arbor, Dearborn, Flint and Michigan Medicine are eligible.
Information about the programs can be found on the University Human Resources website.
There are many considerations when requesting one of these programs. Here are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that Human Resources has received.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Q: How do I request a furlough or reduction in hours?
- A: Use this form and consult with your supervisor or department administrator.
- Q: Can I file for unemployment if I take a furlough or reduce my hours?
- A: The university will not contest a claim for state unemployment compensation as long as you were not offered and declined redeployment to another position.
- Eligibility for and amount of unemployment benefits are determined by the state. In Michigan, the current maximum state weekly benefit is $362 and may include an additional weekly supplement of $600 from the Federal CARES Act through July 25, 2020.
- Q: Can I keep my health insurance and other benefits?
- A: Yes. For employees on furlough, the university will also pay the employee contribution for health insurance.
- You can also maintain their other benefits like dental, long-term disability and life insurance, but will be responsible for paying (or repaying) the employee contribution.
- Q: Will the university pay the employee contribution for health insurance if I have covered dependents?
- A: Yes, if you take a furlough, the university will pay the full employee health insurance contribution regardless of whether dependents are covered or not.
- Q: Do I have the ability to spread out the amount I owe for dental, vision and other benefits when I return?
- A: The amount due will be deducted from your first paycheck upon return to work. If you wish to spread payments over multiple paychecks, contact Payroll.
- Q: Can I change my benefits if I take a furlough?
- A: Yes, you have the option of terminating dental and vision during the furlough period. These benefits will be automatically reinstated when you return.
- If you terminate Optional Life and Long Term Disability, medical underwriting may be required and you may not be approved for the coverage level you previously had.
- Q: Will I receive service credit toward retirement?
- A: Yes, in most cases.
- Q: Can an employee take a furlough and then move right into retirement?
- A: Yes, but only if you are already eligible to retire.
- Q: Can I make changes to their dependent care Flexible Spending Accounts?
- A: Yes, you have the option of reducing your dependent care FSA if you reduce your hours or take a furlough.
- Q: What happens to my COVID PTO and EPSLA time off benefits if I opt into a temporary furlough?
- A: Your regular available paid time off balances will be maintained. COVID-PTO banks will no longer be available to those who take a furlough. The federal Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) paid time off bank will remain available until program expiration on December 31, 2020.
- Q: Can I take a furlough or reduce my hours, then go on EFMLA upon return, if the schools and daycare centers are still closed?
- A: Yes, as long as the schools and daycare centers are still closed due to COVID concerns.
Read more about Temporary Staff Furloughs and Reduction in Hours