Mindfulness at Work

Six Tips for Integrating Mindfulness in the Workplace

Given the high levels of stress, anxiety, and grief in the workplace and society in general, incorporating mindfulness into everyday work life can help your team tackle challenges and support wellbeing. Here are six tips for bringing mindfulness to the workplace. 

  1. Use The Circle of Concern/Circle of Control
    The Circle of Concern is filled with things that you cannot control, such as the weather and what people think of you. On the other hand, the Circle of Control is filled with things that you can control, such as how you respond to situations or the actions you take.

    Healthy and mindful confidence means shifting your confidence to rely less on items found within the Circle of Concern and more upon those in the Circle of Control. If your sense of confidence is based on looking smart in meetings or how often you get promoted, your confidence will forever be subject to the ups and downs of life.
  2. Fill Breaks With Mindful Activity
    Just a couple of minutes of practicing mindfulness is all it takes to muster that feeling of calm. Spend a few minutes leading your team with mindfulness activities, even if it is a body scan or check-in. Given the zoom fatigue, this is a great way to break up meetings and add elements of mindfulness in digital connection. You can also create a networking event dedicated to a mindfulness activity.
  3. Create a Networking Event
    Create a networking event where you open space for your team to share how they are feeling in the moment. Background music is a really easy way to invite people to act and talk mindfully. 
  4. Show Your Employees That You Care
    Ultimately, encouraging mindfulness in the workplace is all about showing your people that you care. Investing in wellbeing activities, or giving them tips on how to manage their mental and physical wellbeing in a way that shows you genuinely care for them will speak volumes. Empower your employees to be the best they can be and support them in their quest to do so, and you can’t go far wrong.
  5. Incorporate Elements of Mindfulness Into Processes
    Kick off your huddles, team meetings, workshops, or training with just a few minutes of mindfulness practice.  This gives your team a chance to arrive and be present with whatever is going on in the moment and allows them to center and focus.  Review your team processes and practices and incorporate mindfulness practices wherever you can. 
  6. Include Mindfulness Tips in Your Communications Strategy
    As you develop your communications strategy, incorporate mindfulness tips, strategies, stories, and examples to reinforce mindfulness practice in the workplace. Make it a mainstay in your communications. 

Benefits of Mindfulness at Work

  • A reduction in job stress
  • Decreased feelings of anxiety and depression
  • Increased focus and ability to drown out distractions
  • Increased self-awareness and regulation of emotions
  • Improved body satisfaction