With someone you mentor or coach, review several case studies and identify the cause, the effects and ways that relationships can be repaired.
With someone you mentor or coach, review several case studies and identify the cause, the effects and ways that relationships can be repaired.
Use compelling visuals in presentations that align with your message and hold the attention of audience members.
Share stories with your team - experiences you have had pertaining to harmful behaviors and lessons learned.
Meet one on one with individuals in your group involved in harmful behaviors. Create and implement a behavior plan if necessary.
Mediate a dispute between two parties.
Invite a speaker to come to U-M to share their unique experiences within the context of DEI.
Hold brown bag events for direct reports and mentees pertaining to DEI. Familiarize them with culture change initiatives and available training and resources available from Organizational Learning.
Demonstrate bystander intervention techniques when the situation warrants.
Attend a domestic/foreign film or talk pertaining to civil rights and liberties.