Associations and Other Networking Resources

Coordinating your recruiting efforts to include associations and other groups that target diversity-specific communities will help you create a diverse applicant pool. These associations and other recruiting and networking resources can help. 

Associations within Academic Institutions

This sourcing venue  provides an opportunity to meet with and discuss career opportunities with students in schools. Hiring managers may also consider attending association meetings and/or scheduling on-campus speaking engagements as supplemental ways to publicize the department’s vacancies. The U-M Alumni Association and Career Center may also be valuable sources to locate potential candidates.

Recruiting Events

An annual department review should be done of all recruiting events recently attended. Observe your past and present goals. Is goal attainment reflected in the diversity of your staff?  Importance should be placed on representation at recruiting events to welcome and engage diverse applicants, allowing them to be themselves in the recruitment process. Consistency in capturing event information and the implementation of proper follow-up is critical. Consistency and follow-up show that the U-M is a welcoming environment for a diverse community, with opportunities to advance along various career paths.

Recruiting and Networking Events

External Recruiting Resources

Association/Society Affiliations

Resources for Faculty

  • Fee-based global academic job site for jobs in teaching, education and research and professional jobs in education and academia. 
  • ADVANCE: The University of Michigan ADVANCE Program aims to improve our campus environment for faculty in four general areas: recruitment, retention, climate and leadership.
  • Big 10 Academic Alliance: Lists doctoral degree recipients from member universities who are members of groups underrepresented in higher education. While not publicly available, this listing can be available to Big Ten Academic Alliance faculty and staff engaged with faculty searches. To request access, contact: [email protected] or call 217/333-6314.
  • Journal of Blacks in Higher Education: Fee-based. Dedicated to reaching a highly targeted demographic of scholars at colleges and universities across the U.S. 

Resources for Health Care Professionals

Resources for Women

Resources for People with Disabilities

Resources for Veterans

Additional Miscellaneous Diversity Recruitment Resources

Contact Jean Tennyson for advice about on-request outreach to selected internal and external groups and networks.